origin post is preparing shipment

What Does Origin Post Is Preparing Shipment Mean From USPS?

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Have you encountered the tracking status “Origin Post is Preparing Shipment” while tracking your order but don’t know what it means?

If yes, then you have landed on the right page.

The USPS (United States Postal Service) is one of the best courier services in the world.

However, due to the management of bulk shipments, sometimes your package’s arrival gets delayed, and you can see the status “Origin post is preparing shipment. “

In this article, you’ll learn what does “Origin post is preparing shipment” mean in USPS when tracking your order.

You’ll also learn the reasons behind the status.

What Does “Origin post is preparing shipment” Mean?

The tracking message “Origin post is preparing shipment” means that your order has been placed, and the package is about to be dispatched from the origin post and shipped to the US.

Here, the origin post refers to the country where your package is shipped to the US via postal service- USPS.

When you see the status “Origin post is preparing shipment,” it means that the origin post is preparing the documentation to transfer your package to the US and is about to move it via the USPS.

Usually, once the package has been shipped to the US and sent out for delivery, the status will change to “Out for delivery”. 

However, that is not always the case, and you can encounter this tracking status for an extended period without any progress in the shipment of your package.

So, let’s check out why your order has been stuck for a long time, delaying delivery.

What Are the Reasons Behind “Origin Post is Preparing Shipment”?

delaying shipment for origin post is preparing shipment status

There can be various reasons for you to encounter this generic tracking message for a long time.

The status will not change to “Out for delivery, ” and your delivery will be significantly delayed. 

Although you see the status from the time you place your order, it does not hint at the arrival of your package or specify the reason for the delay in delivery. So, here are some reasons for your order being stuck on “Origin post is preparing shipment” and the delay in delivery.

1. Transportation

Transportation issues can cause a delay in your shipment, and you will see the status “Origin post is preparing shipment”.

You can do nothing in this case, as it’s not within your control.

There can be various reasons for the transportation issue, from natural calamities like storms and hurricanes to manmade causes like worker strikes and aircraft repair issues.

The shipment of international packages will be impacted by bad weather since aircraft will be grounded.

In such cases also you will see the tracking message “Origin post is preparing shipment” without a hint of what is happening to your package and when it will be delivered.

2. Overflow of Packages at USPS

The overflow of packages at the USPS is a plausible reason your package is stuck at “Origin Post is preparing shipment”.

Due to the rise in online shopping post-pandemic, the USPS is flying more packages to the US.

This overstresses the postal service’s shipping network, potentially delaying your delivery.

Moreover, international shipments must be transported via flights, which must be booked in advance, and it is possible that due to the overflow of packages, your package could not make it to the flight it was supposed to.

This implies that your package will have to be rescheduled for another flight, which can take a few hours to even a couple of days, further explaining the delay in your delivery.

Throughout this time, your tracking status will remain the same- without a hint of the arrival of your shipment.

3. The Arrival Scan Was Not Done

Usually, this does not happen, but officials at USPS may miss scanning your package when it arrives in the US.

In such a situation, your package has arrived in the States and is being moved through the USPS system.

This information is not updated in the tracking details, and you will not be able to track your order.

It will eventually be scanned in the USPS system, but until then, you will see the tracking status “Origin Post is preparing shipment”.

At this point, you won’t know where your package is until it is delivered to you.

4. Your Package Pallet Has Been Misplaced

Packages shipped around the same location are packed together, shrink-wrapped, and placed on a pallet to be moved through the USPS system.

It is possible that the package/packages get misplaced or removed during transit. It must not be your package.

Still, the whole pallet will be put on hold from shipment until the lost or misplaced item is recovered.

The pallet will be rescheduled for a later flight, thus delaying the delivery. 

During this time, you will see the tracking status only, and no other information related to your ordered package.

This will keep you in the dark regarding the whereabouts of your package in the USPS shipment and delivery system.

How Long Will Your Package Remain Stuck On “Origin post is preparing shipment”?

Since the “Origin post is preparing shipment” message does not share any information or descriptions of your package’s whereabouts, it is impossible to say how long your package will be stuck on it.

However, your package will likely remain in this status for a couple of days and a maximum of five working days.

The delivery of your package will subsequently be delayed. The only way to know about your package is to contact USPS customer service.


Is “Origin post is preparing shipment” for a week common?

It is not common for your package to be stuck this status for a week. It usually takes 3-4 working days after which the status will change to “Out for delivery”.

How long does “Origin post is preparing shipment” take?

Your order can be stuck for 3-5 days and your delivery will also be delayed for 2-3 days from the estimated delivery date.


The tracking status is generic and vague, as it does not give you any information about your order.

Furthermore, your package being stuck in the originating post can delay its delivery significantly.

However, USPS is one of the most reliable courier services in the world and ensures that everyone gets their shipments.

Sometimes, it can take a long time, but the delivery is mostly on schedule.

Do not worry if you see “Origin Post is preparing shipment”, as the USPS will deliver the package anyway.

However, if delivery is taking longer than usual, you can contact USPS customer service to inquire about your package and the delay in delivery.

I hope this guide was able to help you know what “Origin Post is preparing shipment” means when tracking your order.

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Written byMichael Durham